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Single Element In Obturation With Endodontic Retreatment WithPBS®

Single Element In Obturation With Endodontic Retreatment With PBS® CIMMO Cement In Alveolar Tooth Abscess - Case Report

Rubia Moura Leite Boczar 1, Sérgio Ribeiro da Silva2 Livia de Oliveira Alves3, Idiberto

José Zotarelli Filho4, Jose Dias da Silva Neto5

  • I Fellow Master degree, Professional Master's Program in Applied Health, Universidade Vale do Sapucaí (UNIVÁS), Pouso Alegre-MG, Brazil. Conception, design, intellectual and scientific content of the study; acquisition, interpretation and analysis of data; manuscript writing.

  • 2 DS, Master degree, Professional Master’s Program in Applied Health Sciences at the Sapucaí Valley University, UNIVÁS, Pouso Alegre, MG, Brazil. Conception, design, intellectual and scientific content of the study. Acquisition, interpretation and analysis of data. Manuscript writing.

  • 3 DS, Specialist in radiology, responsible for the study tomographies.

  • 4 São Paulo State University (Unesp), Institute of Biosciences, Humanities and Exact Sciences (Ibilce), Campus São José do Rio Preto/SP.

  • 5 DS, PhD, Associate Professor, Professional Master’s Program in Applied Health Sciences, UNIVÁS. Conception, design, intellectual and scientific content of the study. Acquisition, interpretation and analysis of data. Manuscript writing. Critical revision of the study.

Corresponding author: Jose Dias da Silva Neto-Programa de Mestrado Profissional

em Ciências Aplicadas a Saúde, UNIVÁS. Pouso Alegre-MG. Brazil. Av. Prefeito

Tuany Toledo 470, Fátima I. Telefone: (035) 34499248 CEP: 37550-000, Phone #: 55

35 98883-6910, e-mail:



Objective: Evaluation of tooth rehabilitation with chronic periradicular periodontitis, submitted

to endodontic retreatment and filled with PBS® CIMMO cement as a single endodontic obturator element. As well as propose protocol change in endodontic obturation using biological cement without incorporation of gutta percha. Methods: Case Report: patient had a 3.7 tooth with conventional endodontic treatment and chronic periradicular periodontitis. Clinical examination revealed fistula and mobility. Initial tomography examination (Cone Bean tomography) determined the presence of extensive periradicular lesion. After removal of the intra-radicular nucleus, mechanical disbilling and chemical preparation of the root canal with continuous ultrasonic irrigation protocol (CUI) was performed. 5.5 % sodium hypochlorite and ethylene diamino tetraacetic acid surfactant were used as the auxiliary chemical. All channel filling was performed with PBS® biological cement. After six months, a clinical examination was performed. Absence of fistula and mobility was observed. The tomographic examination of preservation determined a decrease in the periradicular lesion. Conclusion: The protocol advocated in this case report determined reibilation of the tooth 37 and proposes further studies to establish a new biological obturator treatment for teeth affected by chronic periradicular periodontitis.

Key words: Root Canal Therapy, Endodontics, Biocompatible materials, Periapical Suppurative Periodontitis, Periapical Granuloma, Periodontitis.


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